How To Get Blood Out Of Car Seats (Like New)

Image Credit PikRepo

Image Credit PikRepo

How To Get Blood Out Of Car Seats (Like New)


Well, you’ve finally done it. You drove your wife/girlfriend/mother to the point where they busted you in the mouth for being such a smart aleck. The worst part is it was in your car, and the blood got everywhere because your nose decided it wanted to break the world record for the most blood ever.

Ok, maybe that’s not what happened, but still, an image that could happen, right? Beyond our orneriness, accidents tend to happen. Babies, pets, natural occurrences, all these things can happen and unfortunately can happen in your car. It’s not the end of the world and can be fixed, so rest assured it will be ok.

In today’s guide, we’ll walk through the process of bloodstain removal. Whatever the reason, no matter the affected area, we’ll walk through this process and take care of that car upholstery.

Let’s dive into it.

Things You'll Need

Before we dive into the process of getting blood stains out, let’s gather some things that will help make the job easier. Beyond the bloodstains looking unsightly, there is also a potential health risk involved here as well, so always proceed with caution when working with blood in any form. Alright, let’s get your car upholstery cleaned up.

  • Latex Gloves – These are going to protect your hands. Blood-born pathogens are a big deal, so are many other blood-related issues and problems, so even if it’s your own bloodstain, be careful. Gloves will help protect you from both the blood and any chemicals you’ll end up working with.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide – Hydrogen Peroxide is an everyday household item that is great for many things. But none more so than to remove blood stains. Also, hydrogen peroxide is good for disinfecting as well as treating wounds too. If you don’t carry hydrogen peroxide in a first aid kit in your car, it may very well be something to consider.
  • Absorbent Cloth – Any clean cloth that can absorb really well will work here. Nothing fancy, just about any dry cloth will work. You will also want a damp cloth after you remove the bloodstain.
  • Upholstery Cleaner and Stain Remover – Something along the lines like this Chemical Guys Foaming Citrus Fabric Clean Carpet and Upholstery. This is going to finish up cleaning the area and get it smelling and looking fresh. Be sure to read the information on the bottle as well before you apply.
  • Lysol/Disinfectant – Disinfecting is one last precaution to ensure that after removing blood, no other potential issues are hanging around to be safe. 

Remove Blood Stains From Car Seats Step By Step

Step 1

Now that we have the supplies we need, let’s begin. Be sure to have your latex gloves at all times. You never know what could be lingering behind. Your safety is the most important. While you scrub and work to remove the stain, they will help protect you from anything that could be harmful.

Take the hydrogen peroxide and apply it to the bloodstain using your fingers to work it into the car seat. The hydrogen peroxide will have a sizzle effect on the bloodstain. Using peroxide should pull the stain out of the car seat and bring it to the surface. Let it sit for some time on the stained area.

Step 2

In step 2, we start with a clean, dry cloth to blot the stain in the affected area. The idea is to press hard so the dry rag can absorb the blood from the car seat. You can work your fingers to focus on the exact spot in the car upholstery, which will aid in the stain removal process.

If you use a clean white cloth, you will see how it pulls it from the stained area. The white fabric will become stained itself, so be sure to use one you won’t mind this happening to.

Step 3

Repeat the car seat process until you completely remove the blood from the upholstery. You may need to blot the car seats several times to get the stain removed for stubborn stains. Also, keep in mind that you may need to have the hydrogen peroxide sit on the spot repeatedly to remove the stain.

Ideally, you will only need to repeat step 1, step 2, and step 3 and then be able to move on. Just remember you may need to get that peroxide grounded in the upholstery to remove the blood.

Step 4

Now it is time to remove excess stains and anything leftover from the above steps on your car seats. Using upholstery cleaner, begin cleaning the car seat. Now is a good time to do all your car seats and give the entire car, not just the affected area, a good cleaning.

When shampooing the car, use warm water. Be sure to work on the stained area well so that nothing is left lingering. Go over all of the upholstery, so it’s nice and clean. Rinse the area and double-check your cleaning to be sure your car seats look as good as new.

You can also spray your car seat on the stained area and let it sit to get it even cleaner. Some stubborn stains may need this done too.

Step 5

Now the stain removal process should be complete. Dry the area once more. Now is the time to use Lysol or another disinfectant. This step isn’t necessary, but once again, it will clean the car seat as thoroughly as possible by removing anything that could have been harmful from the stain spot.

This process is easy, mainly if you use a spray bottle or can. You can do the whole car, not just the area with the blood, to disinfect all over. Disinfecting is a best practice as well to prevent other things like cold bugs and whatnot.

Other Blood Stain Tips

How do you clean car seats with hydrogen peroxide?

It’s essential to be careful when using hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide can bleach upholstery. To safely use hydrogen peroxide, you’ll want to dilute it with water. Mixing 1 part hydrogen peroxide with 2 parts water will significantly reduce the potential of bleaching while keeping the cleaning power very strong.
It’s best to use a spray bottle with this mix. Spray bottles atomize the water and hydrogen peroxide, which spreads the mixture evenly without soaking the material.
You should test the dilution on a hidden spot like under a seat. Even though you’ve diluted the hydrogen peroxide, it might still have some bleaching power. If you see some discoloration on your test spot, add some more water to the dilution to reduce the strength of the hydrogen peroxide.

How to get dried blood stains out of car seats

Cold water and soap should be your first option. This likely won’t eradicate the dried bloodstain, but it will get most of the job done. It will also make for something you can use that is more effective on the more challenging parts of the blemish.
White vinegar is a mildly acidic liquid that will dissolve dried blood. You may need to lightly soak the area and allow it to sit for some time for the best results. Blotting up the vinegar should pull stubborn blood up with it.
Another powerful choice for cleaning difficult blood stains is an enzymatic cleaner. An enzymatic cleaner designed specifically for dealing with blood stains is called Blood Buster. Enzymatic cleaners are made of good bacteria that will eat organics. They work well on a wide variety of organic-based stains, like blood.

How to get blood out of suede car seats

Suede car seats these days aren’t actually made of suede. Genuine suede wouldn’t wear well over time. A synthetic suede, known by the brand name Alcantara, is widely used in the interior of new cars and trucks for many years. Alcantara is more durable than suede and is more resistant to stains. Unfortunately, more resistant doesn’t mean stain-proof.
To get blood out of suede-like Alcantara, you will treat it like you would most other materials. The main difference is that you will want to be more gentle with it. You don’t want to use any vigorous rubbing or scrubbing. Not only could this damage the Alcantara fibers, but it could spread the stain.

How to get blood out of vinyl

Getting blood off of vinyl is usually very easy. But getting set-in blood stains out of vinyl is another problem entirely. If you’re having trouble with blood-stained vinyl, it is probably a light color. The problem is that the blood has likely soaked through to the fabric backing, which is difficult to clean.
The best solution for getting blood stains out of light-colored vinyl seats is to use hydrogen peroxide. Essentially what you’re doing is bleaching the stain away. The hydrogen peroxide will need to soak into the seat cushion and into the fabric backing. The fabric backing is what you’re trying to bleach. You will want to saturate a few small pieces of paper towels and cover them with plastic wrap to limit evaporation. You’ll need to leave this to sit overnight. You may even need to repeat the process.
Hydrogen peroxide can potentially discolor or damage your vinyl. Do this at your own risk. I also recommend you test a spot in a difficult-to-see location first. If it does damage your vinyl, you’ll find out without having ruined your seat.

Will hydrogen peroxide bleach car seats?

Hydrogen peroxide will most definitely bleach car seats if you’re not careful! Even though this can happen, hydrogen peroxide is the best stain remover for blood. You shouldn’t use undiluted hydrogen peroxide in most cases. 2-to-1 water to hydrogen peroxide is the most commonly recommended dilution ratio.
You should always test your hydrogen peroxide dilution on an inconspicuous location first to make sure it doesn’t discolor the surface of whatever you happen to be trying to clean. If it does, just add more water to make the hydrogen peroxide weaker but hopefully still effective at removing the stain.

Does OxiClean remove blood?

OxiClean is primarily powdered hydrogen peroxide and a baking soda-like substance called sodium percarbonate. Both of these are suggested for cleaning bloodstains. OxiClean is an excellent commercial cleaner that will also work well for cleaning blood.
Be sure to follow the directions on the packaging for the best results.

How do I get Period stains out?

A period bloodstain is no different than any other type of bloodstain. The same methods will work well on period blood. Refer to any of our previously suggested methods, paying particular attention to what the stain is on and what methods work best for that material.

Why does blood stain so bad?

Blood has a component called fibrin. Fibrin is insoluble, meaning that it doesn’t dissolve in water. This is why it is crucial to clean the blood away with cold water as quickly as possible. Never use warm or hot water when cleaning away blood. This will set the bloodstain and make it difficult to remove.

Why is cold water best for cleaning blood?

Hot water causes the fibrin in blood to harden, making it difficult to remove. Using cold water will keep the fibrin liquified within the blood and allow it to wash away.

Why does hot water make blood stain?

Hot water causes the fibrin in blood to set, making it extremely difficult to remove from fabrics and other materials. The fibrin will then bond the blood to the upholstery or similar surface.

What is the best stain remover for blood?

Hydrogen peroxide is the best stain remover for blood. It can break down the hold the fibrin in blood has on upholstery and other materials. While it is an excellent bloodstain remover, it comes with a warning. Hydrogen peroxide can bleach different fabrics, especially darkly colored upholstery.
Hydrogen peroxide should rarely be used as a stain remover without diluting it. It is often cut 2-to-1 water to hydrogen peroxide. But you may find that you need to dilute it much more to avoid damaging the material you’re trying to remove the stain from.
Always test your diluted hydrogen peroxide mix in an inconspicuous area before you try to remove the stain. If you find that the hydrogen peroxide dilution is too strong, you can add water to thin it down more.

Can baking soda remove blood stains?

Baking soda is a great stain remover that works well on bloodstains. Similar to hydrogen peroxide, baking soda has whitening properties. Combine some baking soda and cold water to make a paste. Apply the paste to the blood-stained area and let sit for a few hours. Clean the baking soda paste away. If you can still see the stain, you may want to repeat the process or try a different method.

Can vinegar remove blood stains?

White vinegar is mildly acidic and can break down the fibrin within the blood that holds a bloodstain in place. While it may not be as effective as hydrogen peroxide, it is less likely to cause bleaching.

Does salt remove blood stains?

A paste of salt and cold water can remove blood but isn’t as effective against set-in stains. Salt is a powerful dehydrator, which means it pulls liquids out of things. Applying a salt paste to the area will draw the liquid blood up and out of the upholstery or other material the blood is embedded in.
  • Combine just enough cold water with some salt to create a paste.
  • Apply the paste to the stained area.
  • Let it sit for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse with cold water or wipe away with a cold, damp cloth.

Does ice remove blood stains?

Ice doesn’t remove blood stains, but it will prevent the stain from setting. Heat will cause the fibrin in blood to harden and make it extremely difficult to remove. Fibrin is not water-soluble, so hydrogen peroxide will need to break down the fibrin once the stain has been set.


Whatever method you choose, whether it be chemical solution-based or natural, the sooner the blood is dealt with, the sooner you can remove the stains from the car. Any tip that works and any suggestions that help make a job easier are the best ones. Try and apply everything we covered. If you find anything else effective, be sure to let us know.

Stains can be a pain, but it’s guides like these that make them easier to handle. Best practices are a good thing. Always have water and a clean cloth in your car. You never know what situation might come up that having either will be handy.

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